The Bridge at the Brog’s
Moving stuff around on a wooden bridge over gaseous swamps, sometime having a lunch at Touille’s : That what Brogs do. As long as they can.
Production Lardux Films 2018
Moving stuff around on a wooden bridge over gaseous swamps, sometime having a lunch at Touille’s : That what Brogs do. As long as they can.
Production Lardux Films 2018
A mysterious ceremony for the return of the spring. Choregraphy by Nicolas Vladyslav.
Made with 3D Studio Max, animated partly by motion capture
more informations, sketches, trailer, making-of : here
A short film about masks and fighting rituals.
Made with 3DStudio Max. Motion capture animation.
A strange film, which, in some aspects, is sometime close to abstraction.
More informations and sketches : here.
This film was in fact the pilot of a feature film project which wasn’t made.
More informations and sketches : here.
My second film, a bit of a cruel tale. It won various prizes in Europe and was shown in dozens of festivals around the world.
More informations and sketches : here.
My first film, a poetic tale. It won a lot of awards and was shown in many festivals around the world.
More informations and sketches : here.